Page name: The Joker [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-25 03:40:18
Last author: wolvie
Owner: rogurt
# of watchers: 9
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Dedicated to the Joker/Heath Ledger a great man and a terrible loss


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2008-08-17 [rogurt]: yes cuz he is uber awesome!

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: well duh...hes the joker thats like the definition of cool

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: uber cool

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: very true, for once we agree on something

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: lol thats a first

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: i know its scary....i dont like it

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: me neither... wait.... i do like it

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: wait....i do like it too...but i dont like the fact that i do like it

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: your not supposed to agree with me

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: why not jerk?

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: cuz its scary

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: your scary

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: why thank you

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: you ish welcome alfred

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: dont ever call me that again

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: why not, do you prefer harvey? or perhaps robin?

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: robin? ha ha hell no i would prefer it if you didnt call me anything

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: what about bob the freaking builder?

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: we already had this discussion

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: oh yeah he is much too cool

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: yes... thats what i was thinking

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: lol its too true

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: lol the joker approves

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: i know he is so awesome

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: way way awesome

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: agreed did you put that on your page yet?

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: put what?

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: that the joker approves of your page

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: oh lol no have you?

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: yup i already did lol

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: lol yeah i saw i shall do that right now

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: i saw very nice but now you have 2 pics of the joker clapping

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: so i should have like a million for that pic is way awesome

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: its true but still

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: but still what?

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: i dont know...:(

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: lol alright

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: its hot :(

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: sad :(

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: i blame batman

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: but everything is brooks's fault

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: batman is very brooksish

2008-08-17 [rogurt]: no, nothing can compare to brooks

2008-08-17 [wolvie]: not even robbin?

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: no, brooks is still worse but they're pretty close

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: wow thats uber sad

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: yes it is but its true

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: i know and joker does approve after all

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: yes he does so you know its true

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: yeah for joker would never lie to us

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: of course he wouldnt

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: for he is a god XD

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol yes and also because 'you're the wolverine, bitch'?

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: of course lol!

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol i knew it!

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: aye so you did thats shocking

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: oh shut up

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: thats very rude

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: you were rude first

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: well the joker likes it when im rude

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: and he also likes it when your not rude

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: true but you ish being rude by not replying to the story

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: i just did

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: oh yeah well...still

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol you jerk

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: i just made a great opportunity for you in the rpg go check it out you shall love it

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: i know i did and i shared my thoughts with you about that

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: and you should reply right now lol

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: i did

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: and clearly the joker approved

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol sadly he did you i had to do it

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: lol yay i love the joker

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: i do too and he also approves that

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: i know it fills me with joy XD

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: really? is that why someone's in a good mood?

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: possibly the joker does always cheer me up i mean just look at that face lol

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol good point. you know whats sad in mine it doesnt look like he's looking dreamily at himself

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: lol very sad it does in mine still

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: damn it looked awesome

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: i know that is uber sadness

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: very uber sadness indeed

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: i bet the joker is crying inside

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: no, im sure he approves

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: lol your probably right he is evil after all

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: and approves of everything

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: especially evilness

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol of course

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: but he hates the brooks

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: yes thus he doesnt approve of her

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: or cyclops for he is a jerk

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: of course stupid cyclops

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: nobody loves him

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: and nobody cares

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: especially not the joker

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: yes especially not him

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: for he is a god just like morgan freeman and alfred

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: i agree except for alfred unless you mean the real one

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: yes the real one lol oh and dr pepper mmmmmm dr pepper

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: ok then i agree

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: yay we agree i dont think the joker likes that

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: actually he approves

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: damn so he does

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol i told ya

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: he is amazing

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: and uber cool

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: and uber evil

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: and uber awesome

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: and uber jokerish

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol duh!

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: DO NOT INSULT JOKER!!!!!!!!!!! you spineless bitch XD

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: i would never insult him you heartless bastard lol

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: well then thats good lol

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: lol yes it is

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: the joker is like wow i dont know but its amazing

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: he is magnificent

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: like alfred

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: no, the joker is better

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: aye tis true but still alfred does rock

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: yes that he does

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: for he is freaking alfred

2008-08-18 [rogurt]: no, that would be bob the freakin' builder

2008-08-18 [wolvie]: oh yeah good ol bob

2008-08-19 [wolvie]: do not insult bob the freakin' builder!

2008-08-24 [.HannaH.]: Just want to say, Awesome Wiki :)
And I really agree with it all :)

Heath Ledger as the Joker was the best villian ever :)

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: why thank you [.HannaH.] this wiki was all my idea wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ^^ just kidding, it was all [rogurt]s idea the heartless bitch

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: its spineless. get it right!

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: oh yeah my bad sorry but the joker still aprroved

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: fine i forgive just cuz of that you heartless bastard

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: yay i ish forgiven thank god for the joker

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: i only forgave you cuz the joker approved

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: he approves of me yay oh by the way you must answer this What do you think of Wolvie?

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: alright i will

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: yay do you like the new pic i added for you?

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: yes i did it is way awesome thank you

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: you ish welcome and thank you for calling me a heartless bastard XD

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: you are very welcome lol

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: i am thinking about making a wiki dedicated to bob the freaking builder XD

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: oh god no! that would be creepy... but alas that is your decision

2008-08-25 [wolvie]: lol it would be awesome dangit!

2008-08-25 [rogurt]: lol alright do what you have to do

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: stupid connection curse you rogurt

2008-08-26 [rogurt]: why me? i thought it was either cyclops's or brook's fault

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: hmmmmmmmmmmmm true but still

2008-08-26 [rogurt]: but still what?

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: joker still loves me

2008-08-26 [rogurt]: yes he does but that has nothing to do with anything, yet he still approves

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: this whole wiki is about the joker so shut up you jerk

2008-08-26 [rogurt]: i know that so you shut up you heartless bastard

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: that was below the belt you spineless bitch

2008-08-26 [rogurt]: you deserved it

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: jerk

2008-08-26 [rogurt]: bastard

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: bitch

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I cant exactly tell if this is actual fighting or fake O.o; Joker = <3

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: lol its play fighting, we ish best buddies me and [rogurt] we always make fun of each other, its how we bond and stuff ^^

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: lol its play fighting, we ish best buddies me and [rogurt] we always make fun of each other, its how we bond and stuff ^^

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Ah okay. :)

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: lol i know we ish weird but still ^^ woops send the same message twice D'oh! oh well the joker still approves

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: yus >.>

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: damn some of the pictures wont work now :( i ought to fix that...curse my lazyness

2008-08-26 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *pounces on Eryn* ^-^ My best buddeh ish da Eryn! <.<  >.> *hides the potato peeler from the Joker*

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away from the potato peeler*

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Gets the potatoe peeler from Allie and hands it back to the joker* Yush I ish bestestestest buddeh ov deh Alleh!

2008-08-26 [Eyes of the Reaper]: p.q peeler... *sniffles*

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: *cries* i ish all alone :(

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *hands allie another potatoe peeler* *pokes Wolvie* I dunno you...

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: *cries more* i dont know any of you peoples *dies*

2008-08-26 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ TATERS, PRECIOUS! ...ummm...sorry, wrong movie... O.o'

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Very wrong Allie. *Walks up to Wolvie* Hai! I'm Eryn! *holds out hand to shake, hand covered in charcoal paint and graphite*

2008-08-26 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ I'm Allie. I'd shake your hand too but I don't know where mine's been.

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]:

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: yay! *shakes both your hands* and im wolvie and im secretly bob the builder in disguise but shhhh dont tell anyone >_> <_<

2008-08-26 [Eyes of the Reaper]: o.o I'm Batman in an Allie suit so we're all okay. ^-^

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Your secret is safe with me! *salutes* ....What was I talking about?....Oh well..*Walks to Allie and noms her arm* :3

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I ish......Allie what ish I?

2008-08-26 [wolvie]: you ish batman? then i must kill you >_<

2008-08-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: NU! *Jumps in way with someone's arm hanging from my mouth and a chainsaw*

2008-08-27 [Eyes of the Reaper]: O.O I am Batman in an Allie suit, ergo, I am invincible! XD

2008-08-27 [wolvie]: wrong *glares at the evil batman whom i hate* i can so kick your ass >_< for i ish the wolverine ^^

2008-08-27 [Eyes of the Reaper]: XP You wish. lol

2008-08-27 [wolvie]: *pouts and looks all sad like* but i has claws :(

2008-08-27 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I have the Batmobile. XP

2008-08-27 [wolvie]: I have cars and a sweet harley that i stole uh i mean borrowed ^_^

2008-08-27 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Harleys suck. -.- Goldwings own.

2008-08-27 [wolvie]: *glares at you then shakes my head* you ish foolish

2008-08-28 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Is no one* *Pout*

2008-08-28 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *hugs Eryn* You can be my Goldwing. ;) I'll ride you all night long...

2008-08-28 [wolvie]: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol jk ^_^

2008-08-29 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: .> Goldwing? O.o; *Stares at allie for the riding comment and then hugs her leg*

2008-09-07 [Delete_Me]: kk then um hi pple

2008-09-07 [wolvie]: *cries* i miss the old joker wiki

2008-09-19 [amanda.lethal:)]: heath ledger omfg gorgeous

2008-09-19 [wolvie]: yes he is he was amazing

2008-09-19 [amanda.lethal:)]: yeah i know its to bad he gone everyone misses him

2008-09-19 [wolvie]: yeah it least his last role was such a great one though

2008-09-19 [amanda.lethal:)]: i know right

2008-09-19 [wolvie]: yeah its too bad he had alot of talent

2008-09-23 [amanda.lethal:)]: i know right its fucked up i wish he were still alive

2008-11-03 [Byezzzzzzzzz]: he is so kool!!!!!

2008-11-12 [Bolas De Madera]: that is bad ass

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